Health & Beauty
Supporting high quality services for Life Science, pharmaceutical and healthcare brands. FuturePro Logistics manages compliant storage, inventory control and order fulfilment.
From our Secure storage environment FuturePro Logistics provides adaptable storage and order fulfilment solutions.
Control procedures to protect your high-value products, with lot control, date and temperature controls.
Scanning Bar Codes to secure data capture
FPL is a highly adaptable partner supporting seasonal requirement and managing pandemic support
New high quality buildings with the highest security standards.
Environment and Temperature controls
Efficient Pack Build, order preparation and testing standards
Detailed order documentation for UK and International orders
Sustainable Green solutions, including packaging, shipping and warehousing
Flexible solutions to match your business needs including:
- Compliant, printing and data handling
- Clinical trial pack assembly
- Seasonal requirements
- Pandemic planning and emergency support
Talk to us about your brand and order fulfilment requirements.
Contact us today to discuss your business requirements.
Click the link below, or give us a call on 0118 304 1700